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Rotary Earlyact

Earlyact is a school-wide service club for elementary students from ages 5 to 13.

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earlyact logo

For more information or to connect with Earlyact.

In December 2021, the Rotary Club of Fort St. John sponsored and inducted two dozen leadership students at Margaret Ma Murray Community School into Earlyact.

The mission and operation of Earlyact are closely linked to the ideals of Rotary, and provide the foundation and natural succession into Interact. Earlyact provides young students the opportunity for gaining an increased awareness and knowledge of their community and the world.

At a young age, all students can easily be encouraged to be caring and helpful. Their minds are open to recognize the dignity and worth of each individual which builds respect for others.

Earlyact also engages students in character-building activities and prepares them for leadership roles to identify and carry out projects which benefit their school, local and global communities.

Contact Us!

Fort St. John Rotary Club
PO Box 6306
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 4H8

Find Us!

Fort St. John Rotary Club
Maple Place
Basement, 9807 - 101 Ave.
Fort St. John, BC
V1J 2B1